• Adventurer 18 Trailer Sailer Boat Plan


Genevieve Desjardins
Yacht "Pere Peinard"
Brisbane, QLD 4000

"PERE PEINARD"   A Bruce Roberts Trailer Sailor 18 on the Big Duck Pond

Roberts Adventurer 18 - Pere Peinard 


 From Montreal, Canada to Brisbane, Australia 18 "Pere Peinard" has failed miserably to live up to it’s designation as a trailer-sailor. But in order to complete the circumnavigation, we will have to fulfil our promise to the Lock-Keeper in Montreal, and trailer the length of the lock since our boat is Officially Undersize by strict regulations governing safe passage through the lock. He let us through the first time, but only because Claude’s father kept hissing to Claude to "sit down! Stay low! When you stand up you make the boat look small!" Fortunately, we had no such restrictions in passing the Panama Canal.

Since most would say the main advantage to mini boats is their trailerability, it is perhaps strange to have chosen to build such a boat for offshore cruising over long distances rather than highway mileage. But Claude, at the age of 18, wanted a boat capable of sailing anywhere despite the limitations of budget, so he decided that he could make up for size in sheer quality. This explanation satisfied me until I saw the worksite, his father’s garage – the glue droppings left from the cold-moulded construction make a perfect outline on the floor with a few inches to spare… "Pere Peinard was the absolute maximum size permitted by the available space. Still building at home enabled him to continue a carpentry job and college as well as working on the boat for the two years it took till launching.

Guided by the principle "Trop fort, na jamais manquer" (too strong, never miss) and doubtless influenced by the screaming winter winds of Quebec, Claude now feels he overbuilt. Be that as it may, it is undoubtedly the one vessel best able to withstand capsize, pitchpole, dropping off waves or other such untried calamities, with flotation built in watertight bulkheads and blown ( in the form of insulating foam) floatation coating the inside of the hull. No thru-hull fittings, a hollow skeg and a watertight deck keep the integrity of the whole. And then, besides security, comfort was a primary concern. This is simply a "question of organization" which means that with thoughtful effort, it is possible to be as well, if not better, equipped than many a bigger boat. It also needs a rather ruthless elimination of "stuff", after which you can still carry a full set of power tools, generator, typewriter, library, files, sewing machine, and whatever projects especially amuse you. With nine sails aboard, three anchors/chain/line, two sextants, two SW radios, a UHF radio, a spare windvane, etc. we don’t feel that the problem is space at all – our worry is weight rather than room. Being a buoyant stable design, with a fairly flat bottom and twin keels as well as broad beam, the boat sails best with plenty of wind and is not bothered overmuch by sea conditions.

Given a long-term passage, "Pere Peinard" keeps pace with the 25’ cruising set with astonishing ease. This may be due to factors obviously other than the ‘waterline formula’ for speed under sail. Because the rig is comparatively strong, we push the boat to an extreme. Because we are as lazy as the next crew, we get a lot more result out of the same effort spent on sail change aboard a larger boat when more sail is needed… but we are even lazier than the average when it comes to reducing sail. We get a genuine thrill out of surfing at ± 7 knots, and have on occasion been so excessively carried away that the speedometer’s stuck at 10 knots. By way of illustration, we made the 900-mile doldrums leg between Panama and the Galapagos in 21 days; bigger boats took longer still during the same period unless using diesel power. But the 3000 miles from the Galapagos to the Marquises sped by in 26 days – 115 miles a day average. For three consecutive days during the run we averaged 143 miles… we arrived in the Marquises only two days after our fleet of big-boat friends. So, although we sometimes have the discouraged urge to go faster, this handicap of slowness has never jeopardized our safety, nor has it slowed us down in the long run.

Nevertheless we continue to lighten the boat as much as possible. In all, there’s not much more we could ask of any boat than we are not already given by "Pere Peinard". Maybe it hasn’t been much of a trailer sailer, but as home to us and our cats, it has given us all kinds of different scenery out the windows.


Genevieve Desjardins



Roberts Adventurer 18 Trailer Sailer

This design is available as two different concepts, Version A or Version B. Both are shown below.

Version A has a centreboard made from 12mm (1/2") steel plate and an outboard rudder that can be arranged as either a kick up or dagger board type This means that with both keel and rudder raised the Adventurer 19 only draws 270 mm (10") draft.

Version B features a raised deck which, with the trunk cabin, give's a minimum of 1350mm (4' 6") headroom. It also features a fixed keel which, as it only draws 600mm (2'), makes it easily trailerable.

Both Versions are included in the study package.

Plans for the Adventurer 18 come  in Cold Molded Wood Epoxy or in Fiberglass. In fiberglass you can choose your building medium between C-Flex, Single Skin or Foam Sandwich Construction. All these methods are included in the one set of fiberglass plans. A complete set of plans and full size patterns are available for whichever building material you choose. Plans for building a trailer to suit are included in the full plan package along with dinghy plans, a fiberglass e-book, many photo's, 50 page detail folio and much more miscellaneous information.

The study plan packages have details of the construction methods in the material you wish to build in. They also include a main materials list, sail and rig dimensions, accommodation layouts for both centerboard and fixed keel versions, many photos of various finished vessels and other information pertaining to this design.


  Version A (centreboard)

L.O.A. 5.86  m 19'    3"
L.W.L. 5.05  m 16'    7"
BEAM 2.16  m 7'    1"
DRAFT... C/B up 0.27cm 0'  10"
               C/B down 1.09  m 3'    7"
TRAILERABLE WEIGHT 841 kg 1,883 lb


 Version A  (centreboard)

Roberts Adventurer 18 trailer sailer - Version A

Roberts 18 trailer saoler drop keel version A port view

Roberts Adventurer 18 trailer sailer - Version A interior


 Version B  (fixed keel)

LOA 5.86 m 19'   3"
LWL 5.05 m 6'   7"
BEAM 2.16 m 7'   1"
DRAFT 61 cm 2'   0"
DISPLACEMENT 939 kg 2100 lb
BALLAST 159 kg 356 lb

Roberts Adventurer 18 Trailer sailer - Version B boat plan

Roberts Adventurer 18 Trailer Sailor version B deck view

Roberts Adventurer 18 trailer sailer - Version B interior view

Roberts Adventurer 18 trailer sailer - Version B port view

Roberts Adventurer 18 trailer sailer - Version B section


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Adventurer 18 Trailer Sailer Boat Plan

  • $0.00

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD)

SP - Study Plans

FPP - Full Plan and Patterns

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