Powerboat Plans

Build Your Own Boat (DIY) and Save
Bruce Roberts powerboat designs & boat plans.
This section of Bruce Roberts powerboat designs and boat plans cover the following vessels. The Roberts Longboat, Coastworker, Waverunner, Trawler Yacht, Fine Line 1100D, PCF 36/40, Power Cat, Trader and Centennial Spray 45 Trawler Yacht. Designs and boat plans for steel, aluminium, fiberglass and wood/epoxy, dependant on the design, are available. Information and prices are on the design pages.
Study Plan Packages contain all the sheets #1 from the actual plans plus various construction sheet from that particular plan. All available profiles and accommodation layouts are shown. They cover several large sheets and are intended to give you a more in-depth overview of the design in which you may be interested. Material lists for all the basic materials required to build the hull, deck and superstructure are included with all Study Plan Packages. Most study plan packages consist of between six and twelve full size sheets.
Study Plan Packages include the accommodation layouts to scale and from these scale drawings you can sketch and customize your own layout to suit your particular needs if you feel ours is not exactly what you desire. Study plans are available for all our designs and the prices are shown below. We have shown on these pages our full range of power boat stock plans.
The link to download the Study Plan Packages is emailed to your email address and generally within 24 hours, The link to the Full Plan Sets is also generally emailed within 24. All study plans and full plan sets are downloadable in .pdf format for you to have printed at a nearby print shop. The study and full plan sets are available on CD's on request with postage cost depends on country.
To View drawings, photos, information and prices of the design that interests you just click on that design.
Payments: We only accept payments through PayPal. This method of payment protects both of us. Please be aware that there is no obligation or need to be a member of PayPal to use them to pay us using the normal various methods of payment.