• Coastworker 30 MK2 Planing Hull Boat Plan


The set of plans for this design are no longer for sale.




This page is for information only.  If you have bought one of these boats and require a set of plans we hold the complete set still.  We no longer offer it for sale as we no longer sell any planing hull forms.



This design is for steel or aluminium construction. It comes as a semi-displacement hull only. It can be built as a family cruiser by extending the wheelhouse or, as shown below, as a fishing work boat. The hard-chine hull makes plating easy and makes this an ideal boat for the beginner.

This design was prepared as an extension of the CW25 in response to the many calls for a good workboat where extra length was required and where a faster hull shape than the full displacement CW30 was required.

Amateurs with some welding experience should have no problems building this vessel using the full size frame patterns which come with the plans.

Available as a Semi Displacement design


L.O.A. 9.15 m   30'    0"
L.W.L. 8.20 m   27'    0"
BEAM 3.40 m 11'    0"
DRAFT 1.15 cm 3'    9"
DISPLACEMENT 6,055 kg  13350 lbs
POWER semi-displ 85 to 150 hp
SPEEDS semi-displ 8 to 12 kt









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Coastworker 30 MK2 Planing Hull Boat Plan

  • $0.00

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD)

SP - Study Plans

FPP - Full Plan and Patterns

Tags: plans, coastworker,