• Waverunner 24 - Planing Hull Boat Plan


The set of plans for this design are no longer for sale.




This page is for information only.  If you have bought one of these boats and require a set of plans we hold the complete set still.  We no longer offer it for sale as we no longer sell any planing hull forms. 


This design will cruise at 25 knots with only a 100 Hp diesel. The Plans and Full Size Patterns were made available for both fiberglass and wood epoxy construction. There are no study plan set offered for this design. Just contact the office if you have, or have bought, a vessel built to this design and require information.

L.O.A. 7.31 m 24'   3"
L.W.L. 6.46 m 21'   6"
BEAM 2.74 m 9'   5"
DRAFT 1.07 m 1'   3"






Waverunner 24 Fisherman version
This boat was designed in 1968 and several fibreglass versions were built at Marine Park. Brisbane. Since that time hundreds of Waverunner 24's have been built and used throughout the world.


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Waverunner 24 - Planing Hull Boat Plan

  • $0.00

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD)

SP - Study Plans

FPP - Full Plan and Patterns

Tags: plans, waverunner