• Coastworker 30 Boat Plan


Roberts Coastworker 30 powerboat sea trials 01           Roberts Coastworker 30 powerboat sea trials 02



    Roberts Coastworker 30 powerboat inside wheelhouse                            Roberts Coastworker 30 powerboat forward deck on aft wheelhouse


Roberts Coastworker 30 Powerboat

Full construction plans are available to build this design in steel or aluminum only. It has a full displacement hull and can be built as a family cruiser or as a rugged work boat. The multi-chine hull has provided an excellent overall hull shape and plating has been calculated to provide easy construction with minimum wastage.

This design was prepared for operators in the North Sea and therefore the boat had to be a rugged and safe sea boat. The full displacement hull makes for economical operation and has been designed to operate around the 6 kt cruising speed range with a 60 hp engine.

Amateurs with welding experience should have no problems building this vessel using the full size frame patterns which come with the plans, and the straight forward  instructions.

The study plan package includes the main construction drawing sheets from the actual full plans (excluding the lines plan of course), plus a main materials list, and accommodation layouts to scale.


L.O.A. 9.15 m   30'   0"
L.W.L. 8.00 m   26'   3"
BEAM 3.15 m 10'   5"
DRAFT 1.15 cm 3'   9"
FREEBOARD.. fwd 1.5 m 5'   0"
  aft 0.9 m 3'   0"
POWER 35 to 80 hp
SPEEDS 6 to 8 kt

Version A

Roberts Coastworker 30 Version A plan

Roberts Coastworker 30 Version A deck layout

Roberts Coastworker 30 Version A accommodation

Roberts Coastworker 30 Version A port view

Roberts Coastworker 30 Version A hull section


Version B 

Roberts Coastworker 30 Version B port section

Roberts Coastworker 30  Version B accommodation


Version C 

Roberts Coastworker 30 Version C plan

Roberts Coastworker Version C deck layout

Roberts Coastworker 30 Version C accommodation

Roberts Coastworker 30 Version C port section


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Coastworker 30 Boat Plan

  • $0.00

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD)

SP - Study Plans

FPP - Full Plan and Patterns

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