• Roberts 34 Boat Plan


Roberts 34 tied to jetty

Roberts 34 under full sail


Dear Mr Roberts,

I last corresponded with you during March 77 from Gladstone, Australia, having sailed singlehanded half way around the world in my NOR WEST 34 (Roberts 34).

The voyage was completed on 1st May 1978, when I sailed into Lymington Harbour, the total distance 34,000 miles.

No big problems, my engine gave out in Darwin and a few of the Islands I'd intended visiting had to be missed. I sailed non stop Darwin to Durban 6,000 miles in 56 days, when I would have preferred to call at Cocos and Christmas Islands. The odd gale on the way home but nothing to worry about.

I found Solitaire very easy to sail and completed the trip singlehanded.

The only work I have to carry out is to paint, and to fit extra fuel and water tanks for my next voyage, which I'm hoping to make of a longer duration after the shake down cruise.

Since my return I've been asked to write articles, and to be honest I'm not interested.

However, I have been on BBC radio and TV; some very good film was taken of the yacht for this programme. Perhaps you could acquire copies by contacting the BBC.

Many thanks for a first class boat.


Leslie T. Powles


Steel Roberts 34 under construction

Roberts 34 hull construction 01           Roberts 34 hull construction 02


Roberts 34 hull construction done and waiting for cabin           Roberts 34 hull completed


Sitting Pretty 

Roberts 34 moored in a beautiful spot 


Roberts 34

This is an earlier design that still enjoys a great amount of popularity. It has been sailed in the singlehanded Trans-Atlantic race and has been built as a production boat in many parts of the world. It is also the design of choice of English Yachtsman Leslie Powles who has now completed three circumnavigations in his Roberts 34 'Solitaire', the most recent finishing in 1997 after a non stop journey from NZ to England via Cape Horn. (Reproduced at the bottom of this page is a letter that was received in our offices from Leslie on the 25th June, 1978, over 20 years ago!)

This design can be built in multi chine steel or aluminium or in round bilge fibreglass or wood epoxy. It is available as a sloop rig with a fixed keel only.

The study plan package includes sheets from the full construction package, materials lists, sail plan and accommodation layouts.


10.20 m

33'   6"


7.47 m

24'   6"


3.12 m

10'   3"


  1.68 m

5'   6"


47.82 sq m

515 sq ft


5,488 kg

12,100 lb



20  -  33 hp

Bruce Roberts 34 Boat Plan

Roberts 34 yacht deck layout

Roberts 34 port view

Roberts 34 interior


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Roberts 34 Boat Plan

  • $0.00

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD)

SP - Study Plans

FPP - Full Plan and Patterns

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