• Roberts 370 Boat Plan

Roberts 370 ready to tie up

Roberts 370 Version C tied up to finge

Roberts 370 Version C tied up to finger


Roberts 370 built in wood/epoxy by Russ Stevenson named "Inkwazi"


This boat was built in W/E by Russ Stevenson who comments "Inkwazi (which is the name of a fish eagle in South Africa) has turned out to be everything we hoped for. She sails extremely well and seems well balanced and will in fact sail herself on all points forward of the beam."

Roberts 370 built in wood/epoxy under sail


"HIGH TENSILE", pictured below, was built by Charlie and Jimmy Brandt.
Charlie writes: High Tensile is finally a sailboat. She was launched in May 1997. She sails unbelievably well, ten times better than I ever imagined. Her performance under sail is great even with her 26,000 lb displacement. In 15 to 18 knots (of wind) our speed is 9.1 knots. Thank you for a great design and a truly wonderful fulfilling experience. High Tensile is a sight to see and a joy to sail.......Enjoy the photos. Charlie Brandt.

Roberts 370 "HIGH TENSILE" built by Charlie and Jimmy Brandt.


 Roberts 370 radius chine aluminium built in Australia

This Radius Chine, Aluminium Roberts 370 was built in Australia.

Roberts 370 multi chine was built in Finland by Petra Karklen                                  Roberts 370 multi chine section view


This above multi chine steel R370 was built in Finland and owner Petra Karklen writes: "Before the first time I sailed her I had been a bit scared about her character and performance. From the beginning it became clear that she performed well and was easily handled. The next few months and many miles of sailing proved it true".


Roberts 370

Such has been the response to this design that plans for it's construction are available in steel, aluminium, fibreglass and Wood Epoxy. There is also the choice of constructing the hull in either radius chine, multi chine or round bilge.

Designed as a moderately fast cruiser, this boat has proven itself both in club racing and long distance cruising. Over 400 Roberts 370's have already been completed and several have sailed around the world.

There are several versions of this design as you will notice below. Besides giving you the choice of building this design in either an aft cockpit, centre cockpit or pilot house configuration you may also chose between a cutter, sloop or ketch rig. She has proven to perform well with all these sail plans. There is also a choice of the shoal draft or deep keel optional.

The study plan package has details of the construction techniques imployed in the material of your choice and includes materials lists, several different accommodation layouts plus a choice of sail plans all to scale.


11.32 m

37'    2"


9.66 m

31'    8"


3.76 m

12'    4"



1.45 m

4'    9"



1.98 m

6'    6"


8,512 kg

18,750 lb



8,000 lb



20 TO 33 hp


The Roberts 370 has 5 basic versions. A, B, C, D and E

Roberts 370 Version 'A'

Roberts 370 - Version A sail plan

Roberts 370 Version A deck view

Roberts 370 - Version A layout interior view


Roberts 370 Version B

 Roberts 370 - Version  B sail plan

Roberts 370 - Version B layout interior view


Roberts 370 Version C

Roberts 370 - Version C sail plan

Roberts 370 - Version C layout interior view


Roberts 370 Version D

Bruce Roberts 370 version D boat Plan

Bruce Roberts 370d deck

Roberts 370 - Version D layout interior view

Roberts 370 - Version D layout side view port

Roberts 370 - Version D layout side view starboard

Roberts 370 - Version D hull section view


Roberts 370 Version E 

Bruce Robets 370e-boat plan

Roberts 370 - Version E layout deck view

Roberts 370 - Version E layout side view port

Roberts 370 - Version E layout interior view


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Roberts 370 Boat Plan

  • $0.00

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD)

SP - Study Plans

FPP - Full Plan and Patterns

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