• Adventurer 25 Trailer Sailer Boat Plan


Roberts Adventurer 25 Pilot House 

Roberts 25 Version B (Pilot House) featuring the shoal keel arrangement.


Roberts Adventurer 25 Anchored 

Another Roberts 25 lies at anchor in a cove on the Australian coastline.


Roberts Adventurer 25 Trailer sailer under sail 


Roberts Adventurer 25 Trailer sailer hull build complete 


Roberts Adventurer 25 trailer sailer on a beam reach 


Roberts Adventurer 25 Trailer Sailer

Over 1,000 examples of this design have already been completed. This trailerable sailboat has been very popular and performs well in either the shoal draft or regular keel versions, both of which are included in the study package. While not as sleek looking as the latest offerings from other designers this design will always remain popular because of its voluminous accommodation and good, safe handling characteristics making it a wonderful  boat for the whole family.

There have over the years been a number of very active R25 Association in Australia and overseas which attest to the family orientated and social aspects this design has generated. With full headroom this has proved a popular small boat to live aboard.

This design can be built in either Molded Plywood (wood epoxy) or any of the main Fiberglass Methods (C-Flex, Single Skin or Foam Sandwich).

The study plan has details of all of the construction techniques in the material of your choice and includes the main materials list, accommodation layouts, sail plan, building drawings, photo's of finished crafts and other miscellaneous information regarding this design.

L.O.A. 7.70 m 25'    3"
L.W.L. 6.34 m 20'  10"
BEAM 2.43 m 8'    0"
DRAFT 1 .76 m 2'    6"
SAIL AREA 26.46 sq. m 285 sq. ft
BALLAST 898 kg 1,980 lb
DISPLACEMENT 2,114 kg 4,660 lb
TRAILERABLE WEIGHT 1,588 kg 3,500 lb
HEADROOM 1.83 m plus 6' plus
AUXILIARY Outboard or 5 hp Diesel


Version A  (Standard Coach House)

Roberts Adventurer 25 Trailer sailer - Version A coach house sail plan

Roberts Adventurer 25 Coach House deck view

Roberts Adventurer 25 Trailer sailer - Version A coach house layout interior option1

Roberts Adventurer 25 Trailer sailer - Version A coach house layout interior option2

Roberts Adventurer 25 Trailer sailer - Version A coach house layout side view port

 Roberts Adventurer 25 Trailer sailer - Version A coach house layout side view starboard


Version B  (Pilot House)

Roberts Adventurer 25 Trailer sailer - Version B pilot house sail plan

Roberts Adventurer 25 trailer sailer pilot house deck view

Roberts Adventurer 25 trailer sailer - Version B pilot house layout side view

Roberts Adventurer 25 trailer sailer - Version B pilot house layout interior view


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Adventurer 25 Trailer Sailer Boat Plan

  • $0.00

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD)

SP - Study Plans

FPP - Full Plan and Patterns

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