• Roberts 434 Boat Plan

 Roberts 434 on hard stand


 Roberts 434 in the paddock


Below a Roberts 434 under construction 

 Roberts 434 Version C under construction


Below is a picture of Tony Marcelonis R434 which was built using Airex core for the hull and balsa sandwich for the deck You will note that Tony has used the transom shape from the New York 46


Tony Marcelonis Roberts 434 which was built using Airex core for the hull and balsa sandwich for the deck



 Below are pictures of  the boat and a letter received from Mr Pat Garnett who in 1990
sailed singlehandedly around the world in 218 days, stopping just once for
repairs to the self steering gear 


Pat Garnett who sailed single handed around the world in his Roberts 434          Pat Garnett took 218 days to sail around the world in his Roberts 434



Dear Mr Roberts,

A quick note to let you know that I have finished my circumnavigation in the Roberts 434. She took 218 days and 8 hours sailing time to cover the 27,000 miles, In terms of elapsed time this is the fastest E-W ever by any kind of sailing vessel, but of course we do not get the world record as Guinness work on average speed and she was half a knot slower than the "Ocean Bound" (David Scott Cowper) nevertheless not bad for a backyard building job.

She is in excellent condition and could go around again given a bit of sail repair. She is very fast for a heavy boat (3 tons of stores). She often reached 10 knots and could sustain 9 knots for hours on end. Her best day's run was 210 miles without current assistance. Her directional stability is excellent and in good conditions to windward she can hold her heading unaided for up to 20 minutes. I had one knockdown to 90 degrees and a few bad broaches but she picked herself up without difficulty. She is a superb boat, indeed she has to be to bring an incompetent single handler like me home safely.

Best wishes to you and many thanks for a fine design. I am starting to think about something in the 60-65' range.

Signed, Pat Garnett


A perfect finish on a Roberts 434 Radius Chine steel hull built in the U.K.

A perfect finish on a Roberts 434 Radius Chine steel hull built in the U.K.


Nice shot of a Wood Epoxy built Roberts 434 Version B  

Nice shot of a Wood Epoxy built Version B 


Roberts 434 large interior 01           Roberts 434 large interior 02

 Roberts 434 small portion of a very large interior.


Roberts 434 being lifted out with a travel-lift


Roberts 434

This design has appealed to many serious cruising sailors, and is another in the latest range of medium displacement, good performance cruisers which can be built in either multi chine or radius chine Steel/Aluminium or in round bilge fibreglass or wood epoxy.

It can be rigged as either a Cutter, Sloop or Ketch and the many different versions give you the choice of either a low profile aft cockpit, a centre cockpit version or a pilot house version.

Already several version of this design have made complete circumnavigation's - one was sailed single handed around the world in only 218 days. (Article printed below) Several others have taken part in round the world rallies.

Many are being constructed in yards around the world with the pilot house version currently being one of our more popular designs.

The study plan package has details on the construction techniques in the material of your choice and includes materials lists, sail plans and accommodation layouts for all versions.

L.O.D. 13.20 m 43'   4"
L.W.L. 11.18 m 36'   8"
BEAM 4.10 m 13'   6"
DRAFT (Deep) 1.83 m 6'   0"
  (Shoal) 1.50 m 5'   0"
DlSPL. (FG or Alu or W/E) 11,567 kg 25,911 lb
  (Steel or Copper-Nickel) 13,330 kg 29,859 lb
BALLAST 3,996 Kg 8,809 lb
AUX.PWR   33 - 60 hp

Version A
Shown below displaying the sloop rig

Roberts 434 - Version A boat plan

Roberts 434 - Version A layout deck view

Roberts 434 - Version A port view

Roberts 434 - Version A interior



Version B
Shown here displaying the cutter rig

Roberts 434B boat plan

Roberts 434B port view

Roberts 434B interior

Roberts 434B starboard view

Wood Epoxy B Version under construction. 



Version C
Shown here displaying the ketch rig 

Roberts 434C boat plan

Roberts 434C deck

Roberts 434C port view

Roberts 434C interior

Roberts 434C starboard view


 Version D
Shown here displaying the sloop rig


Roberts 434D deck view

Roberts 434 interior view

Roberts 434D port view


 Version E
Shown here displaying the sloop rig
This version of the Roberts 434 features a Radius Chine hull
with a complete raised deck and a cruising style pilot house.
These features are combined with, a sugar scoop stern,
and low profile ketch rig. Other sail plans are possible.

Roberts 434E boat plan

Roberts 434E deck view


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Roberts 434 Boat Plan

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SP - Study Plans

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