• Classic 45 Boat Plan

Roberts Classic 45

The Classic 45 is the long keel version of the R45. With ample room to carry 800lts of water and 600lts of fuel this design is capable of being self sufficient for extended periods. A glance at version A will give you a fair idea where it's name was derived from. The construction plans are well detailed and this design is still worthy of consideration by those after comfort and safety in a fiberglass hull.

The plans come for construction in any of the fibreglass methods- C-Flex, Single Skin or Foam Sandwich.

The various rigs; schooner, ketch or cutter are interchangeable between the short keel version (see Roberts 45 ) and this design.

The study plan package has details of all of the construction techniques and includes materials lists, and accommodation layouts.


L.O.D. 13.31 m 43'   8"
L.W.L. 9.80 m 32'   2"
BEAM 4.04 m 13'   3"
DRAFT 1.83 m 6'   0"
DISPLACEMENT 13,121 kg 28,928 lb
BALLAST 4,763 kg 10,500 lb
SAIL AREA 76.3sq m 821sq ft
HEADROOM 0.90 m 6'   3"
AUXILIARY   40 to 80 hp


Classic A

Roberts Classic 45 - Version A sail plan 

Roberts Classic 45 - Version A deck view

Roberts Classic 45 - Version A interior view

Roberts Classic 45 - Version A layout port view 


Roberts Classic 45 ketch sailboat plan


Classic B  (Pilot House Version)

Roberts Classic 45 - Pilot House boat plan

Roberts Classic 45 - Pilot House deck-view 

Roberts Classic 45 - Pilot House interior view 

Roberts Classic 45 - Pilot House port view 

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Classic 45 Boat Plan

  • $0.00

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD)

SP - Study Plans

FPP - Full Plan and Patterns

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