• New York 46 Boat Plan


Roberts New York 46 looking very smart



Roberts New York 46 hull shape looking towards the bow            Roberts New York 46 hull shape looking towards the transom



Roberts New York 46

The choice of keel types, combined with various draft options and alternate sail plans, gives the intending builder of this design a wide range of choices. You can customised the accommodation of this design to suit your own requirements. This is a fast cruising sailboat. Many variations of below deck accommodation are possible with the B version shown here most suited to the charter trade.

Already several New York 46's have been launched and many others are being built in various parts of the world in both radius chine steel and in fiberglass.

The study plan package has details of all the construction techniques and includes materials lists, accommodation layouts and sail plans for all versions.

All version will accept either the low profile cutter rig as shown here on Version C or the high aspect sloop rig as shown on Versions A & B above.

L.O.A. 14.28 m 46'  10"
L.W.L. 13.24 m 43'    5"
BEAM   3.99 m 13'    1"
DRAFT   2.29 m    7'    6"
DISPLACEMENT 19,492 kg 42,972 lb
BALLAST   5,783 kg 12,750 lb
SAIL AREA 111 sq m 1,200 sq. ft
AUX. POWER   85 hp
D/L RATIO   235


 Roberts New York 46 - Version A sail plan

Roberts New York 46 version A deck layout

Roberts New York 46 - Version A accommodation

Roberts New York 46 - Version A port view


All the New York 46 series can be built
in Fibreglass, Radius Chine Steel or Radius Chine Aluminium.


Roberts New York 46 version B sail plan

Roberts New York 46 version B deck layout

Roberts New York 46 - Version B accommodation

Roberts New York 46 - Version B port view


All the different versions of the New York 46
series can be rigged as either cutters or ketches


Roberts New York 46 Version C sail plan

Roberts New York 46 Version C deck layout

Roberts New York 46 Version C accommodation

Roberts New York 46 Version C port view


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New York 46 Boat Plan

  • $0.00

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD)

SP - Study Plans

FPP - Full Plan and Patterns

Tags: plans, new york