• Centennial Spray 36 Boat Plan

Centennial Spray 36
The CS 36 can be built in Round bilge Steel or Wood/Epoxy.
Several alternate accommodation and sail plans would be possible.
An aft cockpit is possible. Lug/Junk rig is also available.
All sail plans including Bmu. cutter etc., that are available for the Spray 36
can also be used on this design.


Roberts Centennial Spray 36 - finished hull

Centennial Spray 36
Plans and Full Size Patterns are available for the CS 36
to be built in Round bilge Steel or Wood/Epoxy.
Several alternate sail plans are possible and any sail
plan offered for the regular Spray 36 can be used
on this boat. Centre cockpit, Aft cockpit and Pilot house
versions are possible.


 Wood Epoxy Centennial Spray 36 taking shape.

 Wood Epoxy Centennial Spray 36 taking shape 01           Wood Epoxy Centennial Spray 36 taking shape 02


 Wood Epoxy Centennial Spray 36 taking shape 03           Wood Epoxy Centennial Spray 36 taking shape 04



Roberts Centennial Spray 36

As there are over 1,000 Bruce Roberts’ SPRAYS being built worldwide, we have been willing to listen to every combination of ideas about this wonderful boat and several layouts have been drawn with many features interchangeable between the versions.

The Centennial Spray 36 is designed to be built in Round bilge Steel or either all Strip planking or using a combination of strip plank covered with one or more layers of veneer.Custom sail plans and accommodation layouts may be drawn to suit your requirements. All of the layouts and sail plans used for the regular Spray 36 may also be used with this design.

The study plan package contains details of construction methods and material lists for wood and steel, along with the sail plans and accomadation layout.


L.O.D. ( HULL) 11.05 m 36'    4"
L.W.L. 9.85 m 32'    4"
BEAM   3.96 m 13'    0"
DRAFT   1.30 m 4'    3"
DISPLACEMENT 12,700 kg 28,000 lb


 Roberts Centennial Spray 36 sail plan

Roberts Centennial Spray 36 accommodation layout

Roberts Centennial Spray 36 port view


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Centennial Spray 36 Boat Plan

  • $0.00

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD)

SP - Study Plans

FPP - Full Plan and Patterns

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