• Spray 38 Boat Plan

SPRAY of Dell Quay This Spray was built by Brian Reed for John Corello  

SPRAY of Dell Quay
This Spray was built by Brian Reed for John Corello


Three Spray 38's were built in the UK by Philip Grosvenor  01          Three Spray 38's were built in the UK by Philip Grosvenor  02


Three Spray 38's were built in the UK by Philip Grosvenor  03 

These Spray 38's were built in the UK by Philip Grosvenor  


Roberts Spray 38 hull built by Don Bradley of Slidell Louisiana.          Roberts Spray 38 hull built by Don Bradley of Slidell Louisiana. - note the fluting around the propeller

The two images above show a Roberts Spray 38 hull built by Don Bradley of Slidell Louisiana. Don has done a great job on this hull. Please note the fluting in the area of the propeller. We recommend this or bringing the aft end of the keel to a fine ending to allow a clean flow of water to the prop. 


Roberts Spray 38

Over 100 examples of this design can be found cruising in various parts of the world.

Specially designed for Multi Chine Steel Construction only this Spray offers a more compact version of the popular Spray 40 and a larger aft cabin than the Spray 36.

Plans come with both a ketch and cutter rig sail plan. Many Spray 38's are featured in Bruce's book "Spray. The Ultimate Cruising Boat". Several have been built with poop sterns, pilot houses and fitted with alternate rigs.

The study plan package has details on the multi chine steel construction technique and includes a materials list, sail plans and accommodation layout to scale.

L.O.D. 11.82 m 38'  10"
L.W.L. 9.65 m 31'    8"
BEAM 3.96 m 13'    0"
DRAFT 1.22 m to 1.52 m 4' 0" to  5' 0"
DISPLACEMENT 12946 kg 29,000 lb

Roberts Spray 38 - sail plan

Roberts Spray 38 - deck layout

Roberts Spray 38 - port view

Roberts Spray 38 - interior layout

Roberts Spray 38 - starboard layout




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Spray 38 Boat Plan

  • $0.00

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD)

SP - Study Plans

FPP - Full Plan and Patterns

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