• Spray 45 Boat Plan


Roberts Spray 45 "SHILOH"

SPRAY 45 "Shiloh"


Another example of a fine looking Roberts Spray 45 - 01           Another example of a fine looking Roberts Spray 45 - 02

Roberts Spray 45

The first Spray 45 was professionally built in North Carolina and is now in service adding one more to the huge fleet of Spray sailboats currently in use around the world.

Because this Spray was to be the full-time home for an experienced cruising couple, we had to make sure there was adequate space to maintain a good degree of comfort under all conditions

You may have your own ideas about the perfect Spray. We are always willing to comment on any thoughts you may have regarding your next boat. A custom version of this well-proven vessel could be your dream ship.

Full plans and frame patterns for this design are available in Multi Chine Steel only. For Round Bilge Steel or Round Bilge Wood Epoxy please check out the Centennial Spray 45.

The study plan package has details from the full plan set showing construction techniques and allowing you to asses the quality of our plans. The also include a main materials lists, sail plan and the accommodation layouts to scale.

L.O.D. 16.72  m 45'    0"
L.W.L. 10.93  m 35'  10"
BEAM 4.42  m 14'    6"
DISPLACEMENT 18,144 kg 40,000 lb

Roberts Spray 45 sail plan

Roberts Spray 45 deck layout

Roberts Spray 45 accommodation layout

Roberts Spray 45 port view


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Spray 45 Boat Plan

  • $0.00

Prices in Australian Dollars (AUD)

SP - Study Plans

FPP - Full Plan and Patterns

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