Coastworker 30 MK2 Gallery - completed planing version

Coastworker 30 MK2 Gallery - completed planing version

Coastworker 30 MK2 Gallery

completed planing version

building the hull


This Coastworker 30 Mk 2 (planning version) was built in Thailand. Designed for getting to the fishing grounds quickly and safely the hull was built from steel with the deck and superstructure being built in glassed over ply for weight savings. It was a pleasure working with this builder.


Building the hull 

Roberts Coastworker 30 MK2 - stringers being welded in place

Frames standing in position on the strongback with the stem bar in place. The
stringers are now being tacked into place.  


Roberts Coastworker 30 MK2 - fully plated hull

Fully plated.


Roberts Coastworker 30 MK2 - rolling over hull

Roll over day. A beautiful hull and a credit to the first time builder.


Roberts Coastworker 30 MK2 - cut down aft bulwarks

Note the cut down aft bulwarks. The builders innovation.


Roberts Coastworker 30 MK2 - launching using crane

As there is much debris in these water the prop and rudder have been well protected.


Vessel undergoing sea trials.


Roberts Coastworker 30 MK2 - sea trials 01


Roberts Coastworker 30 MK2 - sea trials 02


Roberts Coastworker 30 MK2 - sea trials 03


Roberts Coastworker 30 MK2 - sea trials 04


Roberts Coastworker 30 MK2 - sea trials 05


Roberts Coastworker 30 MK2 - sea trials 06


Roberts Coastworker 30 MK2 - sea trials 07



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