Atka Island
Bechivan Harbour
General. An easy bay to enter. This harbour is exposed to north east winds and does seem to create a south wind all of its own. There is a Aleut village with anchorage in Nazan Bay which we didn't get to visit. There appears to be many other anchorages around this island.
Reported. August 2003 by Fine Tolerance
Charts. NOAA 16480, large scale chart NOAA 16486.
Approach. Easy open approach.
Anchoring. We anchored at the head of the bay in 10 meters, excellent holding black sand at 52° 02.1 N, 176° 07.6 W.
Points of Interest. There is a nearly fully intact B-24 Liberator 4 engine bomber just behind the berm at the head of the bay. We didn’t get to see it as it was blowing too hard for us to put our dinghy in the water although we have seen pictures of it.
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