Coastworker 25 Gallery - semi displacement hull built for cruising

Coastworker 25 Gallery - semi displacement hull built for cruising

Coastworker 25 Gallery

semi displacement hull built for cruising


This series of photographs are of a semi displacement Coastworker 25 being built by Arthur in North Queensland, Australia. Living at  latiude18 degrees south, shelter from the searing sun is a necessity, hence the extended cabin. This also works in well with accommodation comfort on Arthur's plans of extended fishing trips on the outer reefs.


Roberts Coastworker 25 build - frames and stringer completed

The neatness of Arthur's work is quite apparent in this shot.


 Roberts Coastworker 25 build - plating if sides

  A template was taken of this whole area which was then welded up as one
piece on the flat before being tacked into position.


 Roberts Coastworker 25 build - plating of bottom

 The beginnings of making a template for the bottom plate. 


 Roberts Coastworker 25 build - completed hull

 Hull plating completed.


 Roberts Coastworker 25 build - building the keel

Building the keel.


Roberts Coastworker 25 build - keel sides plated  

 Keel sides plated.


Roberts Coastworker 25 build - moving outside ready for turning 

  Note the small wheels of the trolley used to pull the hull outside for the
turning upright process.


Roberts Coastworker 25 build - turned upright, ready for deck and cabin 

 Turned upright and ready for the deck and cabin.


Roberts Coastworker 25 build - extended cabin 

Extended cabin well advanced.


 Roberts Coastworker 25 build - completed hull and a credit to the builder

  A beautiful fair hull and a credit to the builder.


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