Waverunner 40/42 Gallery - lots of visual tips here on a modified WR 40/42

Fore and aft decks.
Flush foredeck with bollards mounted. Also note the slash guard, 30mm x 6mm flat bar
weld on edge along the chine and facing slightly downward.
Looking from the aft deck into what will become the wheelhouse.
Looking from the fore deck aft. The main salon area has been altered to carry personal
and cargo between a number of islands in South East Asia.
Detail at the rear corner of the aft deck
A shot showing the size of the aft deck.
Note the scuppers to free the water from the aft deck and the studs welded
along the hull to take a wooden rubbing strake.
Stem area showing fairing sticks being attached to the frames to take the
plywood inturnal lining material.
More of the same.
Note the gussets on the frames.
A shot showing stringer notched into the frame, the wood strips
attached to take the internal lining and the frame gusset that
adds strength to the structure.
A partial steel bulkhead about to be welded to the frame.
50mm x 50mm (2' x 2") angle wheelhouse sole
bearers welded onto the frames.