Mauritius / Norfolk 43 Gallery - keel / rudder alterations

This alteration makes a OK Roberts Norfolk 43 cruising boat into an excellent cruising boat.
This series of pictures show the rudder alterations on the earlier Roberts 43 version
Where the rudder shaft sloped at an angle aft of the keel. All new Roberts 43 sheets have this modification as standard. Sheets showing this alteration which can be performed on the earlier designs are available from our office for $20.
The original quadrent under the aft athwartships berth.
The rudder shaft removed
The new exit hole for the rudder tube.
The rudder tube cut off and sandblasted ready for re-welding into it's new position.
The rudder tube tacked into position
The extended keel to take the bottom rudder bearing
The RSJ steel section trimmed down to take the reinforcing plates
Side plates tacked into position
Making sure everything is in line before final welding
Another view
The new rudder being constructed.
The finished rudder.
Repositioning the pulleys for the new quadrant position.
Support struts for the rudder tube added.
Another view
Rudder and prop shaft in position.
Ready for painting.
And the owners comments. 'We have had her out in a constant 25 to 30 knot winds and both running and when hard on the wind she is unbelievably better to steer. No more sore shoulders or weary bodies even after hours of running downwind.'
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