Norfolk 43 Gallery - plating the hull p2

Roberts Norfolk 43 Gallery
Page 2: plating the hull
Making hull patterns for the cutting of the plate. Made from thin ply
cut into strips and stapled together to make the pattern for cutting.
A 6mm plate this size will weigh nearly 250 kg. You do need some form
of help to lift them into place.
Laying pattern out flat onto plate for marking prior to cutting. When this
plate is cut it will lay on the frames taking up the curves of the boat and fitting
exactly as your pattern did
Tacking the bottom plate on. Using G clamps to hold the plate in position.
Remember to only tack weld all plates until the whole hull is covered.
A piece of scrap steel and wedge will curve the most stubbornest of plate into shape.
Pattern after pattern, plate after plate. The entire plating of the hull took 10 days
When making the transom extend all stringers and plates
further than needed. They can then be trimmed back exactly
to size later.
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