Offshore 44 Gallery - nearing completion

Offshore 44 Gallery - nearing completion

Offshore 44 Gallery - nearing completion

A well built Roberts Offshore 44 nearing the finishing stages.


Offshore 44 Gallery - an overall view

 The overall view of this fine looking cruising yacht.


Offshore 44 Gallery - solid skeg protecting the rudder

Solid skeg fully protecting the rudder


Offshore 44 Gallery - deep draft for comfort

Deep draft for comfort.


Offshore 44 Gallery - centre cockpit area

Centre cockpit.


Offshore 44 Gallery - foredeck showing mast surrounds added

Foredeck showing mast surrounds added.


Offshore 44 Gallery - side decks

Side decks.


Offshore 44 Gallery - bow area showing windlass and bow rollers

Bow area showing windless and bow rollers..


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