Roberts 25 Gallery - planking - p3

Roberts 25 Gallery - planking - p3

This should turn into a nice series of photographs of the building of a Adventurer 25.

John, the builder, working alone, has spent four months getting this far using mainly recycled timbers.

Page 3: Planking



Roberts 25 Gallery - The first strips of ply laid.

The first strips of ply laid.


Roberts 25 Gallery - Bow section, both sides.

Bow section, both sides.


Roberts 25 Gallery - Working alternately down the hull

Working alternately down the hull


Roberts 25 Gallery - Filling the last few sheets of the first layer.

Filling the last few sheets of the first layer.


Roberts 25 Gallery - closeup of other side


Roberts 25 Gallery - closeup of side


Roberts 25 Gallery - closeup of bow


Roberts 25 Gallery - All ready for the second layer.

All ready for the second layer. The transom has been attached 
and the first layer has been faired


Roberts 25 Gallery - Here we see the second layer laid on

Here we see the second layer laid on


Roberts 25 Gallery - A close up of the second layer of ply being epoxied over the first layer

A close up of the second layer of ply being epoxied over the first layer


Roberts 25 Gallery - Here you can see the second layer being laid over the first.

Here you can see the second layer being laid over the first. Note also the
flat of the keelson where the keel structure will later be attached.


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