Norfolk 43 Gallery - miscellaneous p3

Roberts Norfolk 43 Gallery
Page 3: miscellaneous
The holes for the portlights have been cut. Note the scaffolding tack welded
onto the hull for welding and grinding smooth the hull plates
The forward bulkhead ready to be slipped under the boat and be
welded into position.
The entire cockpit bent to shape at the local steel suppliers.
This method produces nice curved corners and saves time.
The cradle that the hull will sit in has already been made level and tacked to the hull
The entire deck framing was welded in while the hull was upside-down.
Right side up at last. Approximately 12 months part time work.
Melting lead out of an old fork lift.
Re melting it into triangular ingots for packing into the keel.
With no more welding to do the exterior is sandblasted.
Lining up the sheet rope onto the winch. Having these run as true as possible
will save having chafed ropes later.
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