Norfolk 43 Gallery - fitting out p4

Roberts Norfolk 43 Gallery
Page 4: fitting out
Inside on top of the priming layer is a two pack white high build paint. This
makes the area light to work in and if there are any problems with the coating system
they can easily be picked up.
Framing for the dining table seats.
The dining area starting to take shape.
Feature timber walls always add warmth to any boat.
The head/shower area prior to glassing and making waterproof.
Making bunks in the side cabin.
The bunks in the side cabin nearly finished. Water tanks fitted under
the lower bunk hold 265 lts of water
Desk, hanging locker, drawers and storage areas in the fore cabin.
To get maximum floor space in the aft cabin often the corners will
slope upwards as shown here.
Holes cut in the bed base to allow the mattress to breath.
Gallery area taking shape.
A diesel stove. A wonderful thing in a cold climate.
Masking in the waterline ready for the antifouling paint.
All done and ready to launch, two years and ten months after starting the frames.
One year later, completed and living aboard
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