Roberts 25 Gallery - inside views - p4

This should turn into a nice series of photographs of the building of a Adventurer 25.
John, the builder, working alone, has spent four months getting this far using mainly recycled timbers.
Page 4: Inside Views
A good neat job.
Johnny has begun blocking in for the interior furniture while still upside down.
This shot is looking forward at the dividing bulkhead between the forward V berth
cabin and the main salon. You can see the bunk frame work is already in place.
Frame work for the galley bench to starboard.......
.... and for a settee to port.
Here (and in the following three photos) we have turned the photo upside down so that
you can more easily see what is happening. All this framework has been put into place
while the boat is still upside down. This photo shows the view looking forward into the
forward cabin.
The beginning of the framing on the aft bulkhead to take port and starboard tanks.
The settee framing
The galley and chart table opposite the settee.
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