Roberts 28 Gallery - all round shots

Roberts 28 Gallery - all round shots

Roberts 28 Gallery – Tenacious

Greg and Margaret's Roberts 28 "Tenacious" pictured on a stopover on their trip to the Great Barrier Reef during the Winter of 2000.



Roberts 28 Gallery – Tenacious showing her modified transom designed by Greg

This modified transom design was created by Greg by continuing the
hull plates further aft. The original transom stopped where the boats
name is printed.


Roberts 28 Gallery – Tenacious solid all stainless steel bowsprit

Solid all stainless steel bowsprit


Roberts 28 Gallery – Tenacious neat work on the aft port quarter 

Neat work on the aft port quarter.


Roberts 28 Gallery – Tenacious uncluttered foredeck

Uncluttered foredeck


Roberts 28 Gallery – Tenacious compact galley

Compact Galley to starboard. The engine box provides a convenient
cooks seat.


Roberts 28 Gallery – Tenacious main salon

The main salon (doubling here as the family homework area)
with the double V berth forward.



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