Roberts 345 Gallery - blasted and painted interior prior to fitting out p4

Roberts 345 Gallery - blasted and painted interior prior to fitting out p4

Roberts 345 Gallery

photos show some important stages of building a steel yacht

Page 4: Blasted and painted interior prior to fitting out


 Roberts 345 Gallery - looking inside from the companionway


Looking inside from the companionway.


Roberts 345 Gallery - looking forward with the start of the fit out

Looking forward with the first of the fit out taking shape.


Roberts 345 Gallery - looking under the cockpit area

Looking under the cockpit area at a future quarter berth.


Roberts 345 Gallery - the prop tube with shaft and flange

The prop tube with shaft and flange for the stuffing box arrangement.


Roberts 345 Gallery - looking aft showing the hollow keel & engine beds

A view looking aft showing the hollow keel. engine bed and prop tube.


Roberts 345 Gallery - looking down into the keel

Looking down into the keel, freshly coated with a layer of tar epoxy before
placing in the lead ballast.


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