Roberts 39 Gallery - an excellent example of a well finished vessel.

Roberts 39 Gallery - an excellent example of a well finished vessel.

Roberts 39 Gallery - an excellent example of a well finished vessel.

These fine photos have been brought to you courtesy of Wayne and Gayle,  the builders and owners of this fine Roberts 39 cruising yacht who dropped in for a visit on their way to the Louisiade Archipelago.   May, 2001.

Page 1: Making and erecting the frames and keel.


Roberts 39 Gallery - frame material is cut to shape and welded up 

Having transferred the full size patterns to a more substantial surface the frame material
is cut to shape and welded up.


Roberts 39 Gallery - strongback ready for the frames to be placed in position

The strongback ready for the frames to be placed in position. The strongback can be built 
from any suitably strong material. (RSJ, heavy angle, railway iron, box section, etc)


Roberts 39 Gallery - made the keel at home in one piece before transporting to the site

Wayne is a qualified boilermaker and elected to make the keel at home in one piece
 before transporting it to the site. There is nothing wrong with this method although you
do need to be an experienced metal fabricator before attempting to build this way.


Roberts 39 Gallery - skeg and rudder also built at home first

Skeg and rudder sections completed also at home.


Roberts 39 Gallery - all frames now positioned on the strongback

All the frames on the strong back in position.


Roberts 39 Gallery - keel section on site waiting to be lifted into position

The keel section on the trailer waiting to be lifted into position by crane.


Roberts 39 Gallery - welding the keel section in position

Welding the keel into position.


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