Spray 28 Gallery - frameless steel, multi-chine construction

Spray 28 Gallery
Frameless steel, multi-chine construction
This series of photographs show a steel Spray 28 being built without frames. These photos have been brought to you curtesy of Barry Mouritz the builder.
Page 1: Building the Hull and Deck
This mould, made from the full size patterns we provide with all our designs,
is made from timber as per the frameless method given as an option in the
plans. Note the solid floor/keel webs attached to the frames.
Plating almost completed. Contrary to first time builders usual belief, the plating
is a reasonably quick affair.
Transom installed and ready for turnover.
Halfway there. Note frames and strongback still attached.
Details of the stepdown foredeck
Deck beams installed with side decks plated viewed from aft.
Once all the decking is finished the beams are cut and cabin sides welded on.
Inside view of the plated cabin sides and cabin roof. Note the us of pipe to
make a neat external radius at the sides/roof join.
Fully welded, scuppers and portlight holes cut.
Undoubtedly the dirtiest job in the entire construction of a steel
vessel. The sandblasting.