Roberts 39 Gallery - plating the hull p2

Roberts 39 Gallery - plating the hull p2

Roberts 39 Gallery - an excellent example of a well finished vessel.

These fine photos have been brought to you courtesy of Wayne and Gayle,  the builders and owners of this fine Roberts 39 cruising yacht who dropped in for a visit on their way to the Louisiade Archipelago.   May, 2001.

Page 2:  Plating the Hull of a Roberts 39 yacht


Roberts 39 Gallery - frames, keel stem and stern bars in place

All frames standing, keel stem and stern bars in place.


Roberts 39 Gallery - temples made using flat bar are placed on the steel sheets ready for cutting

Templates taken from of the hull (in this case made from steel flat bar) ready for
marking onto a steel plate for future cutting out.


Roberts 39 Gallery - topside plating tacked into position

Topside plating tacked into position with the next section of plating
about to be lifted up and placed on the temporary supports.


Roberts 39 Gallery - next hull plates welded into position

Tack welded into position.


Roberts 39 Gallery - bottom plates tacked into position

The bottom plates tacked into position


Roberts 39 Gallery - entire hull fully welded

The entire hull fully welded.


Roberts 39 Gallery - jig welded to hull before turning upright

This shows a jig tacked to the hull to support it upright after turning.


Roberts 39 Gallery - hull turning over day

Turn over day.


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