Roberts 39 Gallery - the finished hull and deck p4

Roberts 39 Gallery - the finished hull and deck p4

Roberts 39 Gallery - an excellent example of a well finished vessel.

These fine photos have been brought to you courtesy of Wayne and Gayle,  the builders and owners of this fine Roberts 39 cruising yacht who dropped in for a visit on their way to the Louisiade Archipelago.   May, 2001.

Page 4: The finished hull and deck


Roberts 39 Gallery - the clean foredeck area

The clean foredeck area.


Roberts 39 Gallery - a well designed anchor roller

Well designed anchor roller. Note the locking pin for use when anchored to stop 
the anchor chain from jumping off of the roller.


Roberts 39 Gallery - lots to see in this photo

Dorade boxes protected by mast rails, inset cabin portholes for added protection 
and the staysail track to allow a self tacking staysail system all show 
up in this picture of the foredeck.


Roberts 39 Gallery - clean side decks

Clean side decks, a gap in the safety rails for ease of boarding when in a marina, 
handy grab rails on the coach roof , shade cloth snapped onto fasteners on the salon 
house front windows for sun protection all make up this well founded cruising vessel.


Roberts 39 Gallery - deep cockpit with Wayne at the helm

Deep cockpit with lenght to lie down on the port and starboard seats.
Wayne, the builder is shown at the helm.


Roberts 39 Gallery - multi chine steel version

The Roberts 39 multi chine steel design.


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