Roberts 39 Gallery - an excellent example of a well finished vessel

Roberts 39 Gallery - an excellent example of a well finished vessel

Roberts 39 Gallery - an excellent example of a well finished vessel.

These fine photos have been brought to you courtesy of Wayne and Gayle,  the builders and owners of this fine Roberts 39 cruising yacht who dropped in for a visit on their way to the Louisiade Archipelago.   May, 2001.

Page 5: The finished Interior


Roberts 39 Gallery - looking down into the vessel

Looking down into the vessel from the cockpit.


Roberts 39 Gallery - the galley to starboard

The galley to starboard. The companionway stairs are to the right of the picture


Roberts 39 Gallery - the inside steering station

The inside steering station and nav area in front of the galley.


Roberts 39 Gallery - neat and tidy wiring under inside steering station

Neat and tidy wiring. Plus storage in containers for nuts, bolts, screws, electrical
fittings, etc all neatly stowed under the inside helm position.


Roberts 39 Gallery - looking into the forward accommodation area

Looking down into the forward accommodation area.


a spare pilot bert to starboard

A spare pilot berth to starboard.


Roberts 39 Gallery - main cabin with double bed to port

Main cabin with double bed to port.


Roberts 39 Gallery - forward cabin area

Forward cabin area.


looking back through the vessel

Looking back through the vessel from the forward cabin.



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