Spray 30 Gallery - deck, cabin and inside framework p2

Spray 30 Gallery
Framework of a Spray 28 streched to 30ft ready…
deck, cabin and inside framework p2
Deck and cabin plating
Ready to turn over. Note the framework pre tacked on to support the
boat level after it has been turned over.
Haff over showing the strongback still in position.
Here the strongback has been removed. The headstocks still remain.
Deck and cabin beams welded into position.
Plating has begun
The cockpit under construction
Looking forward with the cockpit fully plated.
Looking aft with the cockpit fully plated.
The Foredeck area
Internal Framing
Compression post terminating onto a 10 mm plate set into deck
The lower end of the compression post
Looking forward from the companionway
Looking forward from the transom past the cockpit and seat.
Looking aft towards the transom.
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