Spray 40 Gallery - one of the first Sprays built in Brisbane

Spray 40 Gallery
One of the first Sprays built in Brisbane
This series of photographs shows one of the first fibreglass Spray 40's built at BRI's yard in Brisbane in the mid seventies. Called 'Oysterman' if looks as good now as when it was launched over 25 years ago.
This picture of 'Oysterman' was taken in September, 2001
Ready to go back into the water.
The wonderful maze of rigging
The size of the foredeck is illustrated here by comparing the space with the two
blue 200 litre drum resting on it.
The clipper ship stem on this vessel gives her an overall length on deck of 42 ft.
With the bowsprit and bumpkin added the lenght overall is 57 ft.
Above and below. Sailing along 25 years ago.
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