Waverunner 33 Gallery - cold moulded boat under construction

Waverunner 33 Gallery - cold moulded boat under construction
These series of photographs are curtesy of Philippe Rayee who sent these photos along with the following email.
"Thank you very much for the planing strake details! I enclose some photo's of the 33 ft hull built with WEST. If everything goes OK, the hull will be turned over in Spring 2001, 1500 Hrs after buying the plans. I let you know. You are welcome for a beer."
All the frames standing on the strongback.
Frame details. These have been cut from the full size patterns.
View from Stem
The bottom sheathed.
A picture from inside showing the frames and stringers.
Completely sheathed. Note the deep V and flared bows of this design.
The Roberts dinghy as built by Philippe. Plans for this come with all sets of plans.
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