Fisherman's Cove


General.    This anchorage is just of the southern passage into the Bay of Islands. We used this anchorage only during the day to explore around the nearby area and went back inside the Bay of Islands to anchor at night.

Reported.    August 2003 by Fine Tolerance

Charts.    NOAA 16471, large scale chart NOAA 16474.

Approach.    A simple turn to starboard when transiting inbound through the southern entrance passage as this is simply a small cove to this side of it.

 Anchoring.    We anchored at 51° 47.8 N,  176° 50.3W in 20 meters over rock. It took two grabs before the anchor set and we never felt really safe.

Points of Interest.  The rich water life among the rocky islets and inlets separating the two passages. Seals and sea otters were all over the place.


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