Unalga Bight


General.    Our reason for stopping here was to visit a group of three Fisheries and Wildlife personal in a camp at the head of Unalga Bight. They were engaged in a extermination experiment on imported rats that are wreaking havoc on the bird nesting sites on one of the islands in the entrance of the bay.

Reported.    August 2003 by Fine Tolerance

Charts.    NOAA 16471, large scale chart NOAA 16474.

Approach.    This is a very simple approach from the main body of water in the Bay of Islands.

Anchoring.    We anchored at 51° 46.9N,  176° 48.4W, which is pretty much in the middle of the bight, over a rocky bottom 16 meters deep.

Points of Interest.  For us it was the visit but this was also the closest safe anchorage to Fisherman's Cove. A nice peaceful spot.

The Fisheries and Wild life campsite at the head of the bight.


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