Dry Spruce Bay
General. This is a protected anchorage just to the south of where Whale Passage runs into Kupreanof Strait. Whale Passage, while quite wide, has currents that can reach 4.5 knots and transit should be timed for slack water or to run with the flow. The tidal current sets NW on the flood and SE on the ebb in Whale Passage and Kupreanof Strait. We weathered a two day blow in this protected spot.
Reported. June 2004 by Fine Tolerance
Charts. NOAA 16594.
Approach. There are no off-shore dangers in Whale Passage. Kupreanof Strait has some shoal areas which are clearly marked on the chart and easily avoided. Entering Dry Spruce Bay through this channel is also danger free although be careful to avoid the rocks to the north and west of Dry Spruce Island . There is a light on a pole with a square green day mark on a ledge which can uncover to 2 meters. Be sure to give it plenty of room.
Anchoring. We anchored in 9 meters about 60 meters out from three wooden pilings in good holding. The cannery dock was clearly visible across the bay.
Points of Interest. With the strong wind that was blowing we did not launch the dinghy but the surrounding area did appear to be a nice place to explore. Maybe next time.
Looking shoreward from our anchoring place. One of the three mooring
poles can be seen in the foreground.
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