
General information on Alaska

South East Alaska (from the Canadian Border to Cape Spencer)

'Click on Map' of South East Alaska

Anon Bay Foggy Bay Portage Bay Whitestone Cove
Appleton Cove Juneau Sitka Windham Bay
Baranof Warm Springs Bay Keene Island Taku Harbour Wrangell Harbour
Deception Point Cove Ketchikan Thomas Bay  
Deep Bay Meyers Chuck Tracy Arm  
Entrance Island Petersburg Vixen Harbour  

Gulf of Alaska (from Cape Spencer to False Pass)

'Click on Map' of the Gulf of Alaska

Captain Harbour

False Pass

King Cove Sharatin Bay
Dry Spruce Bay Geographic Harbour Kodiak


Western Alaska (North of False Pass)

'Click on Map' of Western and Arctic Alaska


Etolin Anchorage

Nome Harbour Port Clarence


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