Keene Island
General. This is a protected anchorage well out of Wrangell Narrows. Beecher Pass is a navigatable passage between Wrangell Narrows and Duncan Canal. Although we saw many small fishing boats run into and out off this pass the pilot book states that it can also be used by tugs with tows.
Reported. Sept 2003 by Fine Tolerance
Charts. NOAA 17375.
Approach. There are many rocks in this area as well as cross currents so care is needed. The passage to the north of Keene Island is navigatable by small craft but we were not prepared to risk it and entered and exited this anchorage by the route show.
Anchoring. We anchored in 10 meters on a mud bottom at 56 36.3'N 132 59.7'W.
Points of Interest. There are many cabins dotting the shore line here. Fishing is reported to be excellent.
From the anchorage looking up past Keene Island and into Wrangell
Narrows through the passage
that we did not use. This photo also shows a common local occurrence. A beautiful day
with thick fog
lying in
the Narrows.
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