Cruising Ports & Anchorages

 Sponsored by Fine Line Boat Plans and Designs

Areas covered:
South Pacific Australia
Caroline Islands
French Polynesia
New Zealand (North Island)
American Samoa
Coral Sea Reefs
Lord Howe Island
New Caledonia
Papua/New Guinea
North Pacific Aleutians
Federated States of Micronesia
USA (Alaska)
Canada (British Columbia)
USA (Washington)
Carribbean Cuba
North Atlantic Bermuda
USA (Florida)
South Atlantic
Indian Ocean    
Arctic and Antarctic North West Passage
Printing out: All anchorages can be saved directly to your computer as presented but are planned in the future to be also in  PDF format to make it easier to make up your own guide book. Most computers have the Acrobat Reader already installed. However if your computer does not, then the freeware program Acrobat Reader that will allow you to print in page format (PDF) is available for downloading here.


Waiver: The user acknowledges that the information herein may not always be perfect. While, when submitted it is believed to be correct, due to human error and the ever changing nature of the subject, inaccuracies may occur. This sites information should always be used in conjunction with current safe navigational practices and as a aid to navigation, not as a sole source of information.

The owners of this site, nor the various authors involved, will NOT accept any liability for any personal injury, loss and/or damage however it may occur. The safety of a vessel and the final call always rests with the navigator of that vessel.


Contributors: Contributors of new anchorages and corrections and/or additional information on already existing anchorage are more than welcome. Details for contributors are here.