Vixen Harbour
General. This is a well protected harbour where we weathered out a blow quite comfortably. We did drag when the wind peaked at just over 45 knots but we are sure that this was due to our anchor at the time being too small, not the harbour bottom material.
Reported. August 2003 by Fine Tolerance
Charts. NOAA 17423.
Approach. There are no off-shore dangers here however the harbour entrance is rather narrow and shallow. We measured a least depth of 2.2 meters in this channel at low tide. This is a bit to close for comfort (we draw 2.1 meters) but the beauty of passing through at low tide is that the reefs on either side are fully exposed. When transiting at high tide keep sea room until the channel is lined up and then follow a mid channel course. The shoal eastern entrance usually will be seen first but unless in a canoe don't try it as, as the mud map below shows, it is very shallow.
Anchoring. Once inside you can anchor wherever you have swinging room. We anchored at 55 47.9"N 132 10.4'W in 8 meters on a mud bottom. As mentioned before we did drag but quickly re anchored and held securely for the rest of our stay.
Points of Interest. The wreak on the shore is well worth a crawl over at low tide.
This photo shows the proper entrance to Vixen Harbour.
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