Entrance Island

General.    Entrance Island is a heavily wooded island in the centre of the entrance to Hobart Bay on the east side of Stephens Passage. There is a state maintained float in the small bay on the south eastern side of the island.

Reported.    September 2003 by Fine Tolerance

Charts.    NOAA 17363.

Approach.    There are no nearby dangers here. The island is easily recognized when approaching from the north by a large fault crack in the rock. There is also a cabin on the south side of the island which can easily be seen when approaching from the south.

Anchoring.    We did not anchor here but used the float as shown in the photo below. The float does not connect to the shore. There would be very little room to anchor in this bay. The pilot book does say that anchorage can be found in the inner part of Hobart Bay but we did not explore this option.

Points of Interest.   This is a great place to wait out a gale.

The floating public dock inside Entrance Island.

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